The Decentralization of a Decentralized Nation

December 15, 2021|ShibaLand Blog
Shiba inu news
Shiba Land Metaverse

In the metaverse today, there are a few key players, Decentraland and Sandbox, although a few other powerhouses do exist alongside them. By design, various cryptocurrencies supported by blockchain technology are circulating throughout these vast and immersive worlds seamlessly generating millions of transactions every day. The ability to securely and anonymously transfer money for goods and services was the whole basis for its inception. A platform where a decentralized banking system supported by the users, ensured transparency of every transaction to everyone. What we are seeing is that up until now, most of these larger platforms have been mostly focused on the gaming community at large. There is a very good reason for this, try 1 trillion in sales last year alone! And these sales are predominantly on digital goods…things that only exist in the virtual world. Captivating such a collective market has unfortunately led some of these platforms to slide back into their old, sleezy, greedy corporate ways.

How is this you ask? When you take a free and open market and decide to capitalize by shrinking that open market into a closed one. Where offering only “our tender is good here”, akin to the “company wooden nickel” only good at the company store, you have effectively gamed the system. Think of it like Amazon telling us that we can only pay for things on Amazon with Amazon gift cards, and we get charged transaction fees every time we use the gift card which then reduces what our card is worth every time we use it. These platforms with their hundreds of millions of gamers have found a way to shore up their own interests by refusing to play with everyone else. If you want to play here, you gotta play with our money. What does this mean to you and I, not much really. If we want to play on their playground, we will convert whatever currency we have to theirs, it’s really that simple. What does this do for them? They are manipulating the market to increase the value of their utility coin by not only demanding it’s exclusive use within their platform, but by the sheer numbers of transaction fees they generate by doing this. By generating and keeping all the transaction fees in house they are able to keep all the profits from filtering into the market as was originally designed. This shores up the value of their utility coin by default due to it’s overwhelming use on such a massive platform.  Some, in all transparency, do deposit 50% into the “stake”, which is collectively the fund that pays dividends to the “stake holders”, same as any other wall street transaction happens here in the real world. They then keep the other 50% for “the house”. This still creates an artificial bubble within these worlds which directly goes against the founding principles of the cryptocurrency market.

The Shiba Land Development Team took notice of these trends by others and decidedly acted to fight against these types of practices. In Shiba Land, the community is what is important and by supporting the community as a whole, we believe everyone can thrive collectively. In Shiba Land, the Shiba Inu Coin will be the primary currency as we believe in supporting the ($SHIB) in order to build a stronger Shiba Inu Community. But excluding other cryptocurrencies from our platform would hurt a significant part of the community, the businesses that have invested in Shiba Land. By not allowing these important community members to accept any form of payment for their goods and services, would be a disservice to them by us. Their ability to thrive directly affects Shiba Land’s ability to thrive, we see no reason to regulate or exclude any forms of payment desired by our valued business community. In addition, this broadens the access to comsumers that may not have access to certain types of currency but still want to participate in all that Shiba Land has to offer.

Shiba Land is changing the game and people are taking notice. Once a niche market only to gamers and investors, now has opened to mainstream businesses that want broader access to customers and markets around the world. Consumers want a better buying experience, where transactions are quick, secure and don’t require traveling to go get what it is they want. The Shiba Land Development Team is bringing the desires of the consumer and business community together in one place. Same variety of goods and services found in the real world… but available instantly in Shiba Land!


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