The Adults are Stuck Playing in the Sandbox

December 27, 2021|ShibaLand Blog


  • How many 12-year-olds are going to need an accountant, and how many 30-40 somethings would want to go there to do business anyway?
  • This week the 4th largest Accounting Firm in the world, PWC Hong Kong Branch, just purchased land in the Sandbox
  • These big companies see the future, they want in, but they are forced to play in the sandbox
  • Shiba Land sees a better business model. a place where the non-gamer can feel at ease shopping and experiencing this new world of possibilities…the list is truly endless.

Today’s Metaverse is still being shaped, crafted from the minds of visionaries. The merging of cryptocurrency transactions supported by blockchain technology and these virtual worlds, or metaverses, have only begun the conversation of just how far can we go with this?

The answer might surprise you.

Once the exclusive playground for children and the investors who catered to the 1 trillion-dollar market that is the gaming industry, has now seen a shift in the types of money that is being spent and who is spending it. Fortune 500 companies are spending millions of dollars on virtual land betting on the future of these virtual worlds. Yes, companies like Nike, Atari, Coke-a-Cola, all jockeying for position in what is quickly becoming a crowded market, and for what? A piece of that trillion-dollar pie! One big “sandbox” all designed around the entertainment of children. But now we are seeing the adults jumping in. This week the 4th largest Accounting Firm in the world, PWC Hong Kong Branch, just purchased land in the Sandbox Metaverse…to play with the kids? Where the most common transactions are cool upgrades to your avatar, like shoes and jackets, or digital only NFT? Why? How many 12-year-olds are going to need an accountant, and how many 30-40 somethings would want to go there to do business anyway? None.

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Photo Of Life In The Real “Wild West”

Back in the early days, when towns sprung up in the middle of nowhere, usually gold rush towns, there was no planning, no zoning, no districting. A church could be next to a brothel that was next to a general store that was next to a mortuary. Thought played no part in the layout, only that there were a limited number of places for you to open your business…it’s here or nowhere basically. The metaverse as we know it today is stuck with the same problem. Everyone wants in, but you are stuck next to the mortuary. Large legitimate businesses are now jumping into that environment because they lack the foresight into what is really needed. Leave the gaming community to do it’s thing, it will be fine without you. But for the visionaries, those who see the real possibilities that are just waiting to be tapped into, there is a better way.